Level 6 Diploma In Professional Sales Management – Professional Sales Management



Are you interested in finding out what makes a successful salesperson in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude? Sales is the foundation stone upon which organisations are built. The level 6 professional sales management course seeks to develop the knowledge and skills of salespeople whilst also providing them with a professional qualification platform to match their career aspirations. The learner will:

Gain knowledge and understanding of the history of selling as an activity; the traditional image of salespeople; the variety and complexity of sales roles; and the people engaged in sales activities; and how this might impact upon sales success.

Explore and compare the sales profession to other professions and to determine what can be learned from this to improve sales success.

Explore and evaluate the effectiveness of a structured approach to selling and to use this knowledge to construct a strategic and tactical sales process.

Acquire and demonstrate how effective communication works within a sales context.


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